美國鄉村音樂歌手,由於她在商業上的成功以及與美國著名鄉村音樂歌手蒂姆·麥格羅(Tim McGraw)的婚姻而廣為人知。
希爾出生於密西西比州首府傑克遜市,但卻成長於附近的斯達市。很小的年紀就開始唱歌。高中畢業以後,她上了一陣大學,很快就輟學來到納什維爾開始她的演唱生涯。 希爾從小被人收養,直到1990年代才遇見她的親生母親。1988年她與音樂製作人丹·希爾結婚,1994年就離異了。此時,希爾只還是一家音樂發行公司的秘書,但她的歌唱天賦已被人察覺,很快華納唱片便與她簽約。
希爾的第一張專輯是1993年的Take Me As I Am,十分的暢銷。主打單曲《Wild One》登上了鄉村音樂榜,而翻唱詹妮斯·喬普林的《Piece of My Heart》同名單曲在榜上也取得了好成績。由於她的聲帶手術,接下來的第二張專輯不得不推遲。而最終在1995年發行的這張專輯《It Matters to Me》讓她又一次取得了成功。專輯中的主打曲目成為了她演唱生涯中第四支鄉村音樂冠軍單曲。就在這時她開始與蒂姆·麥格羅約會。蒂姆在一次他的巡演中向希爾求婚,但又不得不完成接下來的演出任務,於是菲絲同蒂姆一起踏上旅程,並於1996年10月6日正式結婚。他們共育有三個女兒:Gracie Katherine (出生於1997年), Maggie Elizabeth (出生於1998年) 和 Audrey Caroline (出生於2001年)。
Lyrics:Angie Aparo
If I had just one tear running down your cheek
Maybe I could cope maybe I'd get some sleep
If I had just one moment at your expense
Maybe all my misery would be well spent
Yeah.... Could you cry a little
And lie just a little
Pretend that you're feeling a little more pain
I gave now I 'm wanting
Something in return
So cry just a little for me
If your love could be caged, honey I would hold the key
And conceal it underneath the pile of lies you handed me
And you'd hunt and those lies
They'd be all you'd ever find
And that'd be all you'd have to know
For me to be fine
Yeah.... And you'd cry a little
An' die just a little
and baby I would feel just a little less pain
I gave now I'm wanting
Something in return
So cry just a little for me
Give it up baby
I hear you're doin' fine
Nothin's gonna save me
An' I see it in your eyes
Some kind of heartache
Darlin give it a try
I dont want pity
I just want what is mine
Yeah... Could you cry a little
And lie just a little
Pretend that your're feeling a little more pain
I gave now I'm wanting
Something in retrun
So cry just a little for me
Yeah... Cry just a little for me
woo ooo, could you cry a little for me
yeah, yeah
#### CITE FROM 'so61 Lyrics Bank' http://so61.com/